mardi 19 août 2008

French-American Foundation

A relever le groupe Lagardère comme "Leader member", le groupe Arnault comme membre bienfaiteur, la financière Pinault, comme membre donnateur, parmi les membres actifs Rothschild & Co, le groupe Suez et parmi les membres individuels Nicolas Bazire, conseiller spécial deNicolas sarkozy, Invité du Fouquet's et témoin du récent mariage de Sarkozy.

Et last, but not least : Frank G. Wisner dans le groupe "sécurité et défense 2007-2008"

Extrait instructif d'une partie d'un exposé de Frank G.Wisner à la French-American association (Mai 2007) Voir :

Let me close with one more reflection which takes us back to us, the United States and France. I
am not alone among the Americans in having been enormously distressed by what happened when France
and the United States came apart politically over the beginning of the War in Iraq. Whatever your views
are about the War in Iraq, mine have changed substantially over time. I remain deeply sorry about the
impact. I’m pleased that, despite this frightful outburst of Franco-American emotion, that effective
cooperation continued at many levels before, during and after the Security Council matter occurred. I,
however, am persuaded that our two sides have had the intelligence to begin to get together, compelled, by
my way of thinking, by sensible national perspectives. France needs the United States; the United States
needs France, in Europe and beyond. And therefore, in this term of George Bush’s presidency, the United
States and France, under Jacques Chirac, have found a number of points of common accord and
diplomatic cooperation over Iran, in Lebanon, over Kosovo. We’ve worked very well together.
And now you have a new president, or in ten days, a younger man, a man who has expressed his
intention to forge a closer relationship with the United States, warning Americans, quite appropriately,
that partnerships exist with two parties, you’ve got to listen to each other, but a man who’s hands are
going to be quite full with lots of foreign policy priorities—Europe, African, Mediterranean, in addition to
the trans-Atlantic relationship. A man whose heavy agenda will be domestic, as he undertakes to
complete the renewing steps that he’s promised for France and that has given him his mandate at the polls.
My own view is that we, as Americans and Frenchmen, need to look back at our history with great
caution. We need to remember that, under virtually every French presidency that I can remember, the
president has come to office, promising a new relationship with the United States, and that the force of
circumstances has put these grand visions into check after not a very long period of time. I would like to
think that we can learn—that France’s new president and that the government that he will be organizing
will learn from this lesson, and that the right strategy for French American relations is to promise little and
achieve more, to find grounds of practical collaboration, without the grand falderal of Franco-American
amity, which we have to assume starts as a defining base point. We are going to be different, the times are
different, the Cold War is over. We don’t have the same pressures, but we have, with the arrival of new
and seriously difficult issues—the climate, Russia, world economy, the Middle East, I could give you a
long list—we have a lot to worry about and a lot to do.

So I’d like to think that the first steps under a Sarkozy government are going to be aimed at
practical areas of high priority to the both of us, where you discuss quietly how to get your two sides
together and then bring the weight of Franco-American diplomatic pressure to accomplish outcomes. And
Kosovo, to come back to the opening remarks, is a perfect place to begin the month of May, for we have a
challenge, an important subject that will be vital to Europe in the future. So, with those remarks, let me
close up and I’ll be happy to try to answer any questions.

Article de à propos dela Frnch-American Foundation :

aussi :

Article assez éclairant sur la fondation. A relever l'implication importante de John D. Negroponte, nommé chef des secrets US unifiés de 2005 à 2007 par l'administration Bush :

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